Member-only story
Trump is a garbage human being. That’s not really debatable at this point. So besides being the first sitting incumbent to refuse a peaceful transition, attempt an insurrection that resulted in a fatality, and singlehandedly take us from the 23rd freeest democracy to 56th in four long years (see my article America: Land of the (Relatively Free), decided to do the pettiest of discourtesies to his replacement, literally the morning of his departure.
How you may ask? Well I saw this on twitter, and trying, as we all should, to verify information before spreading, I confirmed that Trump fired the White House usher the day of the inauguration, literally that morning, and thus there was no one to open the doors to the Biden’s as is the protocol for presidents in the White House.
On the scale of awful we must use to judge Trump’s actions, a one being providing fast food to college athletes during a shutdown and ten allowing a virus to run rampant through the U.S. this is undeniably a one. But it is so minor, so petty, that it achieves perfection, an eidolon of Trump’s character, his vindictiveness, snobbery, sense of entitlement and vacuum in place of a soul.