The Future is Now (aka the UBI song)

Doug X
2 min readAug 4, 2024
Love is a Laser an AI art image by Doug X

It was a rotten week that just transpired
I just found out that I had been unhired
and that meant we couldn’t pay the rent
for the coffin apartment we used to rent

Just me and my three clones in a tiny box
and a door that only sometimes locked
not that we had anything anyone would want to steal

Times were tough for clones like us
and we might as well hop on the space bus
and see what the colonies were like on Mars

Then the screen embedded in our eyes
lit up with a message to our surprise
about a new program the Democrats had passed

We wouldn’t have to work in the radioactive mines
the government was using corporate fines
to pay for a wage so everyone could have a home and eat (and not Soylent Green either)

It was UBI
that saved our lives
Universal Basic Income
we wouldn’t have to travel to space
or dig up radioactive waste
we could live and be a family
even if all of us looked just like me



Doug X

Doug X is a writer of books, songs and incisive political articles.